Every Friday we hold Good Work and Class Assemblies on a rota basis. Each class will do at least one Class Assembly during an academic year, which could focus on an interesting historical event or person, or an important national day such as Internet Safety Day. During our Good Work Assemblies, certificates are given out to pupils for their efforts over the previous weeks in the following categories:
- Hard Work
- Neat Work
- Co-operation
- Improvement
The school also marks various festivals throughout the year, with each year group taking responsibility for an assembly to celebrate a particular festival. The year groups and their respective assemblies are currently allocated as follows:
Nursery- Nativity
Reception- Eid
Year 1- Buddha Day
Year 2- Guru Nanak’s Birthday
Year 3- Christmas
Year 4- Mother’s Day
Year 5- Passover
Year 6- Diwali
Other special assemblies are held throughout the year including Harvest Assembly, Remembrance Assembly and Leavers’ Assembly.
Parents should check the termly newsletters for dates of assemblies that they may wish to attend and are warmly invited to join us for refreshments afterwards in the Parents’ Room.
The school has been granted whole school determination for collective worship.
Collective worship takes place daily and all pupils of any religion or none may comfortably be present and participate as appropriate. A wide variety of themes are offered for reflection. Pupils are asked to “Pray in your own way”, making collective worship an opportunity for pupils to celebrate the values and achievements of both the school and the community.
Under no circumstances will a pupil be asked to accept beliefs which are contrary to their family background.
Parents have a right to withdraw their children from Religious Education lessons and acts of worship if they so wish. However, we have pupils from diverse backgrounds and we try to provide for every pupil when planning acts of worship and the Religious Education curriculum. Our aim is to promote a better understanding of people’s different beliefs and customs, develop self-esteem and foster mutual respect.
This is an important aspect of school life and should you feel the need for more information or any clarification, please arrange a meeting with the Headteacher to discuss it further.