A high standard of dress is expected at all times. The school does not support fashion trends or any articles of clothing/hair styles, which may give cause for concern especially on health and safety grounds. Please ensure that all items of uniform are clearly labelled with your child’s name as the school cannot be held responsible for items that go missing.
The following uniform should be worn depending on which year group a pupil is in:
Nursery Uniform Leaflet
Reception Uniform Leaflet
Years 1 & 2 Uniform Leaflet
Years 3 to 6 Uniform Leaflet
NurseryNavy and gold sweatshirt (with school logo)
White polo shirt (with school logo)
Navy jogging bottoms
Black shoes
Navy and gold sweatshirt (with school logo)
White polo shirt (with school logo)
Charcoal grey trousers/skirt
Black shoes
Year 1 and 2
Navy and gold jumper/cardigan (with school logo)
White shirt (long-sleeved/short-sleeved in summer if preferred)
School tie
Charcoal grey trousers/skirt
Black/grey/navy socks or tights
Black shoes
Year 3 to 6
Navy blazer (with school logo)
Navy and gold jumper/cardigan (with school logo)
White shirt (long-sleeved/short-sleeved in summer if preferred)
School tie
Charcoal grey trousers/skirt
Black/grey/navy socks or tights
Black shoes
PE Kit (Reception to Year 6)
Navy and gold polo shirt
Navy and gold shorts
Navy and gold hoody
Navy and gold track pants
Pumps (for indoor use only)
Swimming Kit
Boys- trunks (that do not reach below the knee)
Girls- one-piece costume, swimming cap (polyester swimming tights may be worn)
Goggles (if required)
The schools uniform supplier is Gogna School Wear & Sports
Website: http://www.gognaschoolwear.co.uk/catalogue?skl_id=21239&pager=view_all
Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday 9:30am – 6:00pm
Thursday 9:30am – 7:00pm
Sunday 12:00pm – 3:00pm
Address: 67/69 Rookery Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, B21 9QU
Telephone: 0121 523 5572
Email: info@gognaschoolwear.co.uk
School Bags
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils should have a black book bag with the school logo on, which can be purchased from the school office at a cost of £5. A black drawstring bag with the school logo on for PE and swimming can also be purchased from the school office at a cost of £3.
A black rucksack with the school logo on can be purchased for Upper School pupils from the school office at a cost of £8. A black drawstring bag with the school logo on for PE and swimming can also be purchased from the school office at a cost of £3.
For Health & Safety reasons only small stud earrings can be worn. Pupils must be able to remove any jewellery they wear themselves as they will be asked to do so for PE and Swimming lessons. Other items of jewellery such as rings, necklaces and hair beads should not be worn. If a pupil wears any items of jewellery on religious grounds, this should be discussed with school in order that health and safety is maintained for all.
Tips for Wearing Your Uniform Correctly
- Caps are permitted, however must not be worn inside any of the school buildings
- Only natural colours should be used to dye hair
- No extreme hairstyles – i.e. shaven heads with tramlines, Mohicans etc.
- Pupils with hair longer than shoulder length should bring a bobble to school to tie back hair during practical lessons
- Plain black or navy hairbands only
- Small plain studs, no larger than a whole punch – one in each lobe
- No facial or body piercings permitted
- No make-up to be worn
- White shirt or blouse, top button done up and shirt tucked in
- No bracelets allowed
- No false or acrylic nails
- Nail varnish must not be worn
- School coats should be plain. Hoodies or tracksuit tops are not allowed to be worn in school