The Regional Director of the West Midlands, Andrew Warren, has, on behalf of the Secretary of State, approved the establishment of an Interim Executive Board (IEB) to provide governance for William Murdoch Primary School. This means the existing Governing Board has been disbanded.  Rest assured, the Senior Leadership Team at William Murdoch Primary School remains in place, with the same members of:

•             Mr M Singh – Headteacher
•             Mr A Matthews - Deputy Headteacher
•             Mrs M Pannu - Deputy Headteacher / SENCO
•             Mrs J Patel - Strategic Business Manager

The IEB:
The approval of the IEB was made following an application submitted to the DfE by the Local Authority in which it set out the rationale for an IEB through its powers of intervention as laid out in the Education and Inspections Act 2006. 

The membership of the IEB draws upon professionals who are working in the field of education and have a background in robust school governance. The IEB will be Chaired by Daniel Taylor and is made up of the following members:

Daniel Taylor, IEB Chair
Nadeem Bhatti, IEB Member
Kalsom Khan, IEB Member
Surrinder Bains, IEB Member

The IEB will be a short-term solution to support the governance of the school whilst a more permanent governance structure is established and, more importantly, ensure that all of our pupils continue to have the best possible education.  Members have been chosen in accordance with the skills and knowledge and the needs of our school.  The Interim Executive Board will provide high quality governance that will support the continuing improvement of the school, and promote high standards of educational achievement through: The day-to-day management of the school remains the responsibility of the Headteacher.  The Senior Leadership Team will work with the IEB to ensure that the school continues its already well-established school improvement journey.

IEB Members Declaration of Pecuniary Interests


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